A new menu link for all activity


We’ve added this menu link so you can see the new members as they arrive and keep up with what’s happening. It’s displaying “read more” rather than the full post at the moment and we’re working to correct this. 

By Don

I am a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, born within the fourteen county boundaries.  When I was young my father was on the radio as "the voice of the Cherokee Nation" .  I lived in a log house in Salina with one cold water faucet and an outhouse in back.  I have worked in the computer field since the days of punch cards. In the military I was in the Air Force during Vietnam, and in the navy on both ballistic missile and fast attack submarines. While in the navy I wrote a program adopted for use aboard all U.S. submarines. Then assigned to submarine development squadron twelve, I wrote tactical and intelligence programs. After the military my focus was on computer based learning.  I created the first online school to combine automated lessons and grading with live instant help, shared whiteboard, and tutors.  Working with family members we launched and sold several virtual schools around the world.