Description of Cherokee – 1776

In 1776, William Bartram wrote:

“The Cherokee in their dispositions and manners are grave and steady; dignified and circumspect in their deportment; rather slow and reserved in their conversation; yet frank, cheerful and humane; tenacious of the liberties and natural rights of men; secret, deliberate and determined in their councils; honest, just and liberal, and are ready to always sacrifice every pleasure and gratification, even their blood, and life itself, to defend their territory and maintain their rights.”


“The Cherokee are tall, erect and moderately robust; their limbs well shaped, so as generally to form a perfect human figure; their features regular, and countenance open, dignified, and placid, yet the forehead and brow are so formed as to strike you instantly with heroism and bravery; the eye, though rather small, yet active and full of fire, the iris always black, and the nose commonly inclining to the aquiline. Their countenance and actions exhibit an air of magnanimity, superiority, and independence. Their complexion is a reddish brown or copper colour; their hair, long, lank, coarse, and black as a raven, and reflecting the like lustre at different exposures to the light. The women of the Cherokees are tall, slender, erect and of a delicate frame; their features formed with perfect symmetry; the countenance cheerful and friendly; and they move with a becoming grace and dignity”

By Don

I am a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, born within the fourteen county boundaries.  When I was young my father was on the radio as "the voice of the Cherokee Nation" .  I lived in a log house in Salina with one cold water faucet and an outhouse in back.  I have worked in the computer field since the days of punch cards. In the military I was in the Air Force during Vietnam, and in the navy on both ballistic missile and fast attack submarines. While in the navy I wrote a program adopted for use aboard all U.S. submarines. Then assigned to submarine development squadron twelve, I wrote tactical and intelligence programs. After the military my focus was on computer based learning.  I created the first online school to combine automated lessons and grading with live instant help, shared whiteboard, and tutors.  Working with family members we launched and sold several virtual schools around the world.